王益助等关于“Stability of contact discontinuity for Jin-Xin relaxation system”的结果发表在Journal of Differential Equations上

2008-08-28 | 撰稿: | 浏览:

论文摘要:通常来说,双曲守恒律方程组包含3种基本双曲波,即激波,稀疏波和接触间断波。研究这些基本波的稳定性是一个重要的课题。刘太平在1987年首先研究了2\times 2的松弛方程组的激波、稀疏波的稳定性结果。此后,关于松弛方程组的激波和稀疏波的稳定性的结果非常多。然而,还没有关于松弛方程组的接触间断波的稳定性的结果。我们的结果是第一个关于这方面的结果。

审稿意见: There has been rich literature on this model, where stabilities of shock waves and rarefaction waves were addressed. This paper is the FIRST to study the stability of contact discontinuities. ...... The result is significant, and the approach is novel. The paper is well-written. I highly recommend its timely publication in JDE。

论文题目: Stability of contact discontinuity for Jin–Xin relaxation system

论文作者: Feimin Huang, Ronghua Pan, Yi Wang

发表刊物: Journal of Differential Equations,Volume 244, Issue 5, 1 March 2008, Pages 1114-1140

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