Outflow/Inflow Problem for Two-Phase Flow


Title: Outflow/Inflow Problem for Two-Phase Flow

Language: Chinese 

Time & Venue: 2024.06.05 10:00-11:00 南楼613

Abstract: In this talk, we present recent investigation on inflow/outflow problem for the two-phase flow, which consists of two compressible Navier-Stokes equations coupled with each other through the drag force relaxation mechanisms and is derived by the Chapman-Enskog expansion from the Vlasov-Navier-Stokes equations for the mixed fluid-particle motion. The existence of the unique steady-state is shown respectively corresponding to the supersonic, sonic, or subsonic state at the far field. The nonlinear stability and long time convergence rates are also established. Meanwhile, the comparison of the two-phase flow with single-phase compressible viscous equations and the drift-flux two-phase flow models are made. This is joint with Prof. Hai-Liang Li (CNU).

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