Verification of Entangled States with Local Measurements

Verification of Entangled States with Local Measurements
尚江伟 副研究员,北京理工大学物理学院
Inviter: 骆顺龙 研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.7.08 13:30 腾讯会议号:867-955-967


The efficient and reliable characterization of quantum states plays a vital role in most, if not all, quantum information processing tasks. However, the standard tool of quantum state tomography is typically rather time consuming and computationally hard due to the exponentially increasing number of parameters to be reconstructed. Thus, much attention has been drawn to the quest for nontomographic methods, among which quantum state verification (QSV) particularly stands out because of its many notable properties including its high efficiency and low cost of resources. Up to now, a large variety of bipartite and multipartite quantum states can be verified efficiently or even optimally by QSV. In short, QSV is a procedure for gaining confidence that the output of a quantum device is a particular target state over any others using local measurements. In this seminar, I will talk about the efforts made by our group in the field of QSV, including the efficient verification of Dicke states [Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 044020 (2019)], and the universally optimal verification of entangled states with nondemolition measurements [Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 090504 (2021)].


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