Analysis of steady solutions for the incompressible Euler system in an infinitely long nozzle

Analysis of steady solutions for the incompressible Euler system in an infinitely long nozzle
谢春景 教授,上海交通大学 
Inviter: 王勇 副研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.5.12 16:30 腾讯会议号:650-466-287


Stagnation point in flows is an interesting phenomenon in fluid mechanics. It induces many challenging problems in analysis. We first derive a Liouville type theorem for Poiseuille flows in the class of incompressible steady inviscid flows in an infinitely long strip, where the flows can have stagnation points. With the aid of this Liouville type theorem, we show the uniqueness of solutions with positive horizontal velocity for steady Euler system in a general nozzle when the flows tend to the horizontal velocity of Poiseuille flows at the upstream. Finally, this kind of flows are proved to exist in a large class of nozzles. This is a joint work with Congming Li and Yingshu Lv.


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