Regularization effect for the weak solutions to the Landau and non-cutoff Boltzmann equations

Regularization effect for the weak solutions to the Landau and non-cutoff Boltzmann equations
李维喜 教授,武汉大学
Inviter: 王勇 副研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.4.29 15:30 腾讯会议号:327-653-228


We study the Gevrey regularization effect for the spatially inhomogeneous Boltzmann equation with intial data of low regularity in the framework of perturbations. These equations are partially elliptic in the velocity direction and degenerates in the spatial variable. For the proof we treat in a subtle way the commutator between the regularization operators and the collision operator involving rough coefficients, and this enables us to combine the classical Hörmander's hypoelliptic techniques together with the global symbolic calculus established for the linearized collision operator so as to improve the regularity of weak solutions at positive time.



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