Coefficient Inverse Problem for Fractional Diffusion Equation by Single Measurement

Coefficient Inverse Problem for Fractional Diffusion Equation by Single Measurement
李志远 教授,宁波大学
Inviter: 刘晓东 副研究员
Time & Venue:

2022.4.15 09:00 腾讯会议号:906-887-695


We consider the inverse problem of determining different type of information about a diffusion process, described by fractional diffusion equations stated on a bounded domain, like the density of the medium or the velocity field associated with the moving quantities from a single boundary measurement. This properties will be associated with some general class of time independent coefficients that we recover from a single Neumann boundary measurement, on some parts of the boundary, of the solution of our diffusion equation with a suitable boundary input, located on some parts of the boundary.


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